Sustainability partner at IFBLS 2021: Roche Diagnostics

Roche Diagnostics er Bæredygtighedspartner på kongressen IFBLS 2021. Helt konkret har de har doneret et beløb til, som kompensation for det CO2-aftryk, kongressens deltagere forventes at udlede i forbindelse med transport.

Skrevet af
Niels C. Jensen, journalist
roche sponsor

Roche Diagnostics modtager det officielle bæredygtighedscertifikat fra Foto: Sine Fiig

Roche Diagnostics were given the official certificate on their status a Sustainability partner at IFBLS 2021.

Roche Diagnostics A/S has made a sustainable contribution to voluntary climate protection by offsetting the following quantity of CO2 in high quality myclimate carbon offset projects.

Quantity CO2: 224.40 t

Contribution to offsetting the conference induced CO2 transport emissions.


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